KRISIUN To Tour Australia/New Zealand In April

February 9, 2009

Brazilian death metal veterans KRISIUN have issued the following update:

"After the fierce release of 'Southern Storm' — the most recent and acclaimed KRISIUN album — which is absolute success among specialized media and fans, the band have already accomplished a remarkable tour schedule that included the US, Canada, East and West Europe, Russia and great festivals such as With Full Force, Hellfest, GDL Metal Fest and Trois-Rivieres Metalfest.

"2009 promises much more of the violent smashing sonority of those truly death metal warriors to their fans. New dates have been announced and the trio returns to North America along with DESTRUCTION in March, where they will perform 30 concerts, including again the U.S. and Canada. Right after this tour the brothers will cross the planet heading to Australia and New Zealand for another series of demolishing performances.

"September features a third return to North America along with OBITUARY, and the fans will again satisfy their hunger for the band’s unmistakable brutality."

KRISIUN Australia/New Zealand tour dates:

April 15 - Queensland, Australia - Rosies Brisbane
April 16 - Queensland, Australia - Inferno Brannigans Tavern Gold Coast
April 17 - New South Wales, Australia - Manning Bar Sydney
April 18 - Victoria, Australia - Ding Dong Melbourne
April 22 - South, Australia - Live on the Light Square
April 24 - Auckland, New Zeland - Al's Bar
April 25 - Auckland, New Zeland - Transmission Room

KRISIUN performing in Russia - December 2008:

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